Justin Allen became the Director of MCN International in July 2016, a testimony to God’s constant provision. Following the passing away of MCN International Founder Roger Tompkins, John Ricards graciously held an interim role of overseeing the mission while the MCN board discussed and prayed to the next steps God had for the mission. Roger’s son-in-law offered to take on the immense task of administration and leadership though after a year of the work he stepped away from the mission.
Justin’s wife Geosil has family in Cebu and they have regular visits to their family and as long friends of John Ricards, Justin has had a connection with MCN for several years. It was great to reconnect, show them the MCN facilities, brag on what God has been doing through his people.
After a visit with MCN President John Ricards at the MCN facility in Cebu, God spoke to Justin about serving with MCN. He came and talked to John one day about what he was feeling. It was a timely visit as the position of Director has just become vacant.
After several months of prayer and working with John Ricards, Justin was approved by the MCN board. God has uniquely equipped him to fill this role. Justin is a Registered Nurse in a Portland area hospital. He also serves his local church as one of five elder/pastors. These skills/gifts together with a deep love of the Lord and a call to the people of the Philippines will help ensure MCN’s fruitfulness into the next chapter.
Below is an update from the latest trip to the Philippines. Keep up with our updates on Facebook.
Meet the Director
MCN Director Justin Allen
Justin Allen became the Director of MCN International in July 2016, a testimony to God’s constant provision. Following the passing away of MCN International Founder Roger Tompkins, John Ricards graciously held an interim role of overseeing the mission while the MCN board discussed and prayed to the next steps God had for the mission. Roger’s son-in-law offered to take on the immense task of administration and leadership though after a year of the work he stepped away from the mission.
Justin’s wife Geosil has family in Cebu and they have regular visits to their family and as long friends of John Ricards, Justin has had a connection with MCN for several years. It was great to reconnect, show them the MCN facilities, brag on what God has been doing through his people.
After a visit with MCN President John Ricards at the MCN facility in Cebu, God spoke to Justin about serving with MCN. He came and talked to John one day about what he was feeling. It was a timely visit as the position of Director has just become vacant.
Below is an update from the latest trip to the Philippines. Keep up with our updates on Facebook.